
FindDellSupportchannelslikeemail,chat,andtelephonenumbersforyourDellcomputer.Speaktooneofourcomputersupportspecialisttoday!,LaptopsmadebyDellDellLaptoptroubleshooting,repair,andservicemanuals.,FixYourPC.Chatwithourtechnicaladvisorstogethelporstartrepairsnow.FixitNow.Warranty-CoveredTechSupport.Visitoursupportpagetosubmita ...,RunPrebootDiagnostics.IfyourDellcomputerturnsonbutcannotbootintotheo...

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Find Dell Support channels like email, chat, and telephone numbers for your Dell computer. Speak to one of our computer support specialist today!

Dell Laptop Repair

Laptops made by Dell Dell Laptop troubleshooting, repair, and service manuals.

Dell Services for Home

Fix Your PC. Chat with our technical advisors to get help or start repairs now. Fix it Now. Warranty-Covered Tech Support. Visit our support page to submit a ...

Fix Common Issues on Laptops and Desktops

Run Preboot Diagnostics. If your Dell computer turns on but cannot boot into the operating system, run a preboot diagnostic test to identify hardware issues.

How to Arrange an Out of Warranty Repair on Your ...

2023年10月19日 — This article serves as a guide to provide useful tips and guidance on arranging an out of warranty repair for your Dell computer.

How to Run Windows Startup Repair on a Dell computer

2023年10月18日 — Press and hold down the Shift key and then click Restart. Continue to hold the Shift key until the computer reboots. Select Troubleshoot ...

Send Your Dell Laptop for Repairs

Dell offers an automated way for creating a mail-in repair, also known as depot repair service, without contacting Dell technical support.


我們為所有Dell 筆記型電腦或桌上型電腦提供認證維修服務。服務內容包含物流*、診斷及維修。 我們亦提供現場維修服務,或是為自助維護者提供僅零件服務。請撥打下方 ...